
Exposure To Country Risk: The Eldorado Gold Edition

Source: Seeking Alpha In a series of recent articles, we investigated the country risk of various mining jurisdictions in which US-listed precious metal miners are active. We collated country risk ratings for these countries from eight different sources and averaged these ratings into compounded country risk scores. The most recent results from this work can […]

What It Really Costs To Mine Gold: The Eldorado Gold Edition

Source: Seeking Alpha Introduction In an earlier article, we showed investors how to calculate an “all-in” cost figure for producers that includes all costs related to mining silver. This is one of the most important metrics to analyze the silver industry, and allows investors to easily compare companies and see where a potential bottom lies […]

La empresa minera “Oro Griego” gana 4.240 euros por cada desempleado contratado temporalmente por ella

Como la empresa minera gana unos millones de euros por la “formación” de los desempleados contratados por ella, y como a través de su contratación por dos o seis meses la patronal de la empresa infla las cifras de los “trabajadores” que supuestamente se quedarán sin trabajo si no se lleva a cabo la destrucción […]